Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Today was the first day

someone talked to my belly and petted it...

This is going to be a long 8 more months! ha ha.

1 comment:

  1. OMG Schylar!!! your prego :):):) I am SOOO excited for you!!!! Although my situation was a little different cause I am married, I still understand all of your worries and concerns because Todd and I were not "trying" either! I worried about money... insurance... ect.... but I just wanna tell you that God has a real nice way of working everything out ( besides he already knew all this ) it's actually so fun to be able to look back in awe of how everything just comes together!! Although for me it was a MISREABLE --haha-- and EMOTIONAL 9months..... its CRAZY WORTH IT and ABSOLUTELY amazing!!! BEing a mom is THE greatest accomplishment EVER!!! I know you have lots of family ( some of which just had a baby ) but if you need ANYTHING... ANYTHING at all, please call me, even if its just someone to complain about pregnancy woes too!! :) 719-8971 Im thinking about you and praying for you and that sweet growing baby :)
    love you ... beka :) <3
